Dopplerometric examination of the uteroplacental and fetal blood flow in mod- ern obstetrics is an integral part of assessing the status of the feto-placental system. The change in hemodynamic parameters is a reflection of many pathological con- ditions on the part of the mother and fetus [1]. It is known that a change in hemo- dynamics in the mother-placenta-fetus system is an early marker of pathology [2]. Currently, it is of great scientific interest to study the utero-placental blood flow during the first ultrasound screening, i.e. at 11–14 weeks of pregnancy: a number of studies confirm the high prognostic significance of hemodynamic disturbances in the uterine artery pool, in which the incidence of preeclampsia and the devel- opment of intrauterine syndrome increases fetal growth retardation [3]. However, according to a review of the scientific literature, there are no comprehensive data on impaired fetal and utero-placental perfusion in various hypertensive pregnancy complications at such an early stage: in case of chronic arterial hypertension.
The aim of the study was to study the spectrogram of uteroplacental blood flow in pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension at a gestational age of 11–14 weeks, to identify “idiopathic” forms of violation of uteroplacental per- fusion. Identification of the negative impact of hemodynamic disturbances on the course and outcome of pregnancy
A screening Doppler study and analysis of spectrograms of uteroplacental and fetal blood flow in 67 pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension of the 1st and 2nd degree were performed. The study was conducted during the gesta- tional period of 11–14 weeks of pregnancy. The emphasis was placed on the study of changes in uteroplacental perfusion during high-risk pregnancy. The uterine ar- teries were removed according to the traditional method, the study was performed bilaterally, blood flow was recorded directly in the uterine arteries. To assess the state of blood flow, a pulsation index score was used.
According to a screening survey among 67 pregnant women, the absence of a dopplerometric disorder was detected in 46 patients (68.6%); 21 pregnant women (31.3%) had any violations of hemodynamic indices.
According to a screening examination of pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension, a high frequency of hemodynamic disturbances in the mother-pla- centa-fetus system (31.3%) was revealed. A high correlation was established be- tween a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow and the presence of chronic arterial hypertension. Based on the research data, it is necessary to conclude that when detecting hemodynamic parameters in the uterine artery pool, careful monitoring of the conduct of this pregnancy, the appointment of adequate antihypertensive therapy, and compliance with the protective regimen of the pregnant woman are necessary.
Dopplerometric examination of the uteroplacental and fetal blood flow in mod- ern obstetrics is an integral part of assessing the status of the feto-placental system. The change in hemodynamic parameters is a reflection of many pathological con- ditions on the part of the mother and fetus [1]. It is known that a change in hemo- dynamics in the mother-placenta-fetus system is an early marker of pathology [2]. Currently, it is of great scientific interest to study the utero-placental blood flow during the first ultrasound screening, i.e. at 11–14 weeks of pregnancy: a number of studies confirm the high prognostic significance of hemodynamic disturbances in the uterine artery pool, in which the incidence of preeclampsia and the devel- opment of intrauterine syndrome increases fetal growth retardation [3]. However, according to a review of the scientific literature, there are no comprehensive data on impaired fetal and utero-placental perfusion in various hypertensive pregnancy complications at such an early stage: in case of chronic arterial hypertension.
The aim of the study was to study the spectrogram of uteroplacental blood flow in pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension at a gestational age of 11–14 weeks, to identify “idiopathic” forms of violation of uteroplacental per- fusion. Identification of the negative impact of hemodynamic disturbances on the course and outcome of pregnancy
A screening Doppler study and analysis of spectrograms of uteroplacental and fetal blood flow in 67 pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension of the 1st and 2nd degree were performed. The study was conducted during the gesta- tional period of 11–14 weeks of pregnancy. The emphasis was placed on the study of changes in uteroplacental perfusion during high-risk pregnancy. The uterine ar- teries were removed according to the traditional method, the study was performed bilaterally, blood flow was recorded directly in the uterine arteries. To assess the state of blood flow, a pulsation index score was used.
According to a screening survey among 67 pregnant women, the absence of a dopplerometric disorder was detected in 46 patients (68.6%); 21 pregnant women (31.3%) had any violations of hemodynamic indices.
According to a screening examination of pregnant women with chronic arterial hypertension, a high frequency of hemodynamic disturbances in the mother-pla- centa-fetus system (31.3%) was revealed. A high correlation was established be- tween a decrease in uteroplacental blood flow and the presence of chronic arterial hypertension. Based on the research data, it is necessary to conclude that when detecting hemodynamic parameters in the uterine artery pool, careful monitoring of the conduct of this pregnancy, the appointment of adequate antihypertensive therapy, and compliance with the protective regimen of the pregnant woman are necessary.